This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.
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Spotlight issue

Politics: Ukraine protests over EU deal
Rallies against President Viktor Yanukovych's refusal to sign an EU association agreement started at beginning of last week in Ukraine. Protests are supported by top opposition leaders. Further, three of them called for resignation of the president. In Kiev about 10,000 demonstrators took to Indepe...
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Politics: U.S. Afghan troops might face zero option
United States might have to dismantle the bulk of its counterterrorism infrastructure in the region and abandon Afghanistan’s security forces completely. A wholesale withdrawal would also shut down the foreign-aid pipeline for the Afghan state and sharply limit any enduring U.S. diplomatic presence...
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Politics: Iran and Group of Six strike last minute deal
Group of Six and Iran agreed on Saturday to freeze Iran´s nuclear program for six months in order to continue with talks leading to more comprehensive deal. Iran agreed to stop enriching uranium beyond 5 per cent and dismantle links between networks of centrifuges. Further, Iran´s stockpile of urani...
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