
This section includes reports, analysis and opinion about elections, public participation and political parties.

Spotlight issue

10th November 2013 / Politics /

Politics: Iran nuclear talks end second round without agreement

Foreign ministers of Britain, France, Germany and Russia, a vice foreign minister from China, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, and Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif met again in Geneva to discuss Iran’s nuclear program. While Iran was called to Iran to freeze ...
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26th October 2013 / Politics /

Politics: American NSA might face anti-spying resolution at U.N.

Brazil and Germany are drafting a U.N. General Assembly resolution that would condemn excessive spying and invasion of privacy by U.S. National Security Agency. NSA accessed tens of thousands of French phone records and monitored German Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone for more than 10 years....
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22nd October 2013 / Politics / Elections

2013 Parliamentary Elections: ODS meeting minutes

    Martin Kuba: Toto období je souboj o konkurenceschopnost Evropy jako kontinentu. Je otázka jestli Evropa obhájí i v budoucích letech pozici silného kontinentu. O budoucnosti budou rozhodovat procesy na úrovni Evropské unie. Pro nás jsou důležité 2 aspekty a to: hospodaření s veřejným...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic