This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Radio Praha: Prague among cheapest cities to move in - study
The Czech capital Prague is among twenty cities in the world where foreigners face the lowest initial costs after relocating, according to an analysis carried out by the German-based relocation firm While transportation and meals in Prague are relatively cheap, apartment rents tend to be higher than in most other post-communist countries, Radio Praha writes.
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Eurostat: Trade in services: Czech strongest sectors are travel, transport, consulting services
According to recently published Eurostat data, in 2015, the Czech Republic, filed the highest volumes of trade in services (more than 20% of the total, both imports and exports) in the areas of travel, transport, and R&D, professional management & consulting, technical and trade-related services
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OECD New Health Technologies report: Electronic Health Record: Data governance readiness & technical, operational readiness in Czech Repulic are low
According to OECD Health Record System Development and USE survey conducted among OECD countries in 2016, the Czech Republic was among countries uncertain as to whether sufficient progress would be made over the next five years to enable the use of Electronic Health Record data / the EHR system for monitoring of the national health care system quality.
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